I was born in a very artistic family. As the baby of the family, I tagged along with my mom as she taught watercolor painting classes, was a docent at our local museum, and active in community art centers before going to first grade.
I worked at my Mom’s Art Supply Store from about 9 yrs of age until High school graduation. I didn’t consciously pursue art until my sophomore year while studying Philosophy at the University of Michigan. Honestly, I never looked back. Mom and Dad were both board members at Touchstone Center for Craft, a residential Craft school, and I spent many a summer helping, working, assisting at that school. I started teaching at 19 through Mom’s Art Supply store, Taught at Touchstone for over 25 years, finished my Sculpture Degree at VCU having taught undergrad and grad level courses there. My first job out of college was as the receptionist at the Corcoran School of Art where I continued studying, creating and teaching. I worked in Human Resource related fields and found my art world merging with this at the birth of my daughter in 2000 when I was hired to start a crafts school in Floyd at The Jacksonville Center now doing business as Floyd Center for Arts. I was t here 8 years until I was hired as the founding Director of CCSA in 2008 and have loved every minute of it. I do what I do because I love art that much. I believe everyone has an inherent ability to create and everyone benefits from being creatively engaged.I enjoy overcoming obstacles that people have toward art and building value around the making, doing, teaching and promotion of art.
I have lived in Galax since 2010- I commuted from Willis for my first two years. then, I moved here for the job. I have been here since 2008. I was in Floyd for 20 years prior- so I have found this part of the world home and Galax has embraced me and I’ve never felt more welcome anywhere else I’ve ever been.
The 3 main functions of my job are:
1. Leadership
2. Management: Facilities, Staff and Programming
3. Development: Community, Donors, Volunteers